High school and college students with disabilities are provided with career plan consulting and job preparation programs based on the individual needs and abilities
Flow of Employment Support Service
(outline step1)Job-Seekers with Disabilities
(outline step2)Job Counseling, Job Skills Assessment
(from now on outline step3)
Employment success package
(from now on outline step4)
Phase 1 - Counseling and job plan development
Phase 2 - Job skills enhancement
Phase 3 - Intensive job placement support
(from now on outline step3)Job support for persons Job with severe disabilities
Job support for persons with severe disabilities
(from now on outline step4)
Job placement Support
On-site training
Workplace adaptation support
Disability internship
(from now on outline step4)
Internship Agreement
Internship Participation
Conversion to full-time Employment
(from now on outline step3)Job support for students with disabilities
(from now on outline step4)
Career plan consulting
Job preparation program
Job placement support