Disability Awareness in the Workplace
Ways to promote disability awareness in the workplace
- Mandatory education to improve awareness of PWDs was implemented in 2018 to create stable working conditions by eliminating workplace bias against PWD employees. All business owners are required to provide such education once a year, and administrative fines of up to KRW 3million may be imposed for failures to provide education or keep data related to education provision ( implemented on May 29, 2018)
- Businesses with fewer than 50 employees may provide education in more simple methods such as by distributing, posting, or e-mailing educational materials provided by the Minister of Employment and Education
- The Mandatory education may be carried out in a class-room, via distance(online), or as experience-type education. Education may be
- 1) provided by business owners or other employees,
- 2) commissioned to KEAD-designated PWD awareness improvement training providers, or
- Cultural-experience type disability awareness education: An experience meant to improve awareness of disabilities through performances by PWD artist teams(orchestras, etc.)
- 3) provided by experts who have completed KEAD’s instructor course.