News & Notices

KEAD 홈페이지 관리시스템
Total 56 1/6 page
Title Writer Date File Hit
56 Visits from foreign institutions KEAD 2023-11-10 인도네시아_BAKTI.jpg ILO_바리스타.gif ILO_VR.gif 698
55 KEAD completes KOICA Fellowship Program for Vietnamese Government Officials KEAD 2023-10-06 255
54 Duo Day 2022 KEAD 2022-06-30 DSC_3122.JPG 554
53 Panel Discussion hosted by the Embassy of Belgium in Seoul KEAD 2022-06-07 zoom 캡쳐_ panel discussion.PNG 포스터.PNG 341
52 KEAD operated "Capacity Development for Disabilities Policies" online program KEAD 2021-11-04 A7C01073.JPG A7C01078.JPG IMG_1421.JPG 400
51 KEAD Newsletter Vol.178 KEAD 2021-09-30 324
50 KEAD collaborates with Cornell University by adopting a disability employment module (toolbox for front line staff) KEAD 2021-05-11 400
49 KEAD Newsletter Vol.175 KEAD 2020-12-30 379
48 KEAD Newsletter Vol.174 KEAD 2020-09-29 369
47 KEAD Newsletter Vol.173 KEAD 2020-07-01 409

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